분류 전체보기54 “A step above Toyota?” What is the identity of the car that achieves fuel efficiency of 23.7km/L? “A step above Toyota?” What is the identity of the car that achieves fuel efficiency of 23.7km/L? China's Geely Automobile unveiled the hybrid sedan Xingrui L. The Xingrui L is equipped with a hybrid system newly developed by Geely Automobile and can drive 1,200 km on a single tank of fuel, and is expected to be released at a reasonable price of around 20 million won. Geely Xingrui L has sleek h.. 2024. 1. 2. “In the end, we decided to remove the option” Kia EV9 HDP will not be released within the year “In the end, we decided to remove the option” Kia EV9 HDP will not be released within the year It has become unclear when HDP (Highway Driving Assist Pilot), a level 3 autonomous driving technology scheduled to be installed in the Kia EV9, will be applied. It has been reported that Kia recently excluded HDP specifications from its website catalog and price list and informed customers with existi.. 2024. 1. 2. “90% choose it even though it is expensive at 4.55 million won” Carnival hybrid pre-contract is a huge hit “90% choose it even though it is expensive at 4.55 million won” Carnival hybrid pre-contract is a huge hit Pre-orders for the Kia Carnival facelift ‘The New Carnival’ began on the 8th. According to industry news, as many as 36,000 pre-orders were made on the first day of Carnival. In particular, it is known that more than 90% of contract customers chose the hybrid model. Carnival Hybrid is a new.. 2024. 1. 2. 초등철학도서 철학자가 들려주는 철학이야기 모든 학문의 기본이 되는 "왜?"라는 생각!!!! 그래서 생겨난 질문과 꼬리에 꼬리를 무는 생각들 철학은 어렵게만 생각되지만 우리에게 가장 가까이 있고 꼭 알아야만 하는 학문 같아요. 이번 주 티나가 골라온 초등철학도서 철학자가 들려주는 철학이야기는 바로 랍니다. 철학자가 들려주는 철학이야기 20. 뒤르켐이 들려주는 자살론 이야기 뒤르켐이 들려주는 자살론 이야기 갑자기 자살론??? 하면서 티나에게 이유를 물어보니 궁금해졌다고 하네요. 제목부터 궁금증이 팍팍!!! 한번 살펴볼까요? 초등철학도서 철학자가 들려주는 철학이야기는 어려운 지식을 넣어주려는 그런 철학 도서가 아닌 재미있는 이야기로 철학을 풀어낸 책이랍니다. 그래서 더욱 쉽고 흥미 있게 철학에 관심을 가지고 알아갈 수 있어요. 집단적 .. 2023. 12. 22. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ··· 14 다음